Paul Ayodele dropped another single title Altar keep calling by the help of the holy spirit. the ability to keep your altar burning is in the place of fervent prayer.we must labour in the place of prayer,so that the will of him will prevail over us who has called us to be a soldier. My Altar keep calling and keep Burning till the kingdom of God becomes my identity.

ALTAR KEEP CALLING By Paul Ayodele (Audio)
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Chorus: holy fire burn inside of me,
Oh my alter keep burning ah eh.
Holy spirit find your rest in me
Oh my altar keep calling ah eh…
Verse 1.
Holy fire burn inside of me
Live inside of me reign inside of me
As the deep call unto deep
So my heart longeth you
For revival ah… Holy fire ah…
Oh 2x eh ya eh
Eh 2x eh ya eh
Chorus: holy fire burn inside of me,
Oh my alter keep burning ah eh.
Holy spirit find your rest in me
Oh my altar keep calling ah eh…
Verse 2:
revive me with your word with your spirit holy one.
Cause my altar keep calling on you.
Eh ya
Holy fire
Eh ya
Holy ghost oh
Take me deeper
Fill me Lord
Fill me with your spirit
Fill me let me burn ah ye
Chorus: holy fire burn inside of me,
Oh my alter keep burning ah eh.
Holy spirit find your rest in me
Oh my altar keep calling ah eh…