It is erroneous to rest on what our head tells us when we are in the midst of tribulations. Our mind only tells us what it knows and what it has heard and thereby reduce the ability of God by comparing it with human experience. However, God is mightier than any problems or situation you can experience in life. This is a nice inspirational song that will enable you trust more in God.
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I have made You too small in my eyes
O Lord, forgive me
I have believed in a lie
That You were unable to help me
But now, O Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show Yourself strong
And in my eyes and with my song
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
Be magnified, O Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing You can’t do
O Lord, my eyes are on You
Be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
Be magnified, O Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing You can’t do
O Lord, my eyes are on You
Be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
Be magnified, O Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing You can’t do
O Lord, my eyes are on You
Be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified