TRUST By Elizabeth
The song is to remind Christians of whom they need to put their trust in as it is said in book of psalms 20vs7,he can do all thing……
Biography :
Elizabeth Adeleye is a songwriter and an undergraduate student in Nigeria,inspired by God to release her first track.

TRUST By Elizabeth
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He is always been enough, He is a God of Possibility, He can do all thing that man can never do /2ce
He is stronger and mighty to do what no man can do,He is stronger and mighty to do what no man can do
Jesus i will always put my trust in you
Jesus i will always put my trust in you
Forever and ever and ever……………………..…….
Life might be miserable sometimes but don’t give up on God it might looks dark but there is light in him Co’s he said do not fear, For i am with you do not be dismayed, For i am your God i will strengthen you and help you uphold you with my righteous hand, He’s a good shepherd then trust in him at all time, pour out your hearts to him for God is your refuge.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
He is stronger and mighty to do what no man can do, He is stronger and mighty to do what no man can do.
Jesus i will always put my trust in you
Jesus i will always put my trust in you forever and ever and ever……